More Precious Than Rubies


Surgery posting began some days ago and despite all the negative things I heard about the posting I decided to remain positive and optimistic. Ward round today began in burns unit which is in the Accident and Emergency department. As the usual sanitary practice of the unit was, we were to remove our shoes and ward coats and put on the nylon apron and rubber slippers provided. After seeing the patients there, we went upstairs to the ward to continue the round and just as I was entering the ward, a friend of mine pointed out to me that one of my earrings was missing.

I had the option of tracing my steps back to look for it or forget about it and continue with the ward round. It wasn’t an expensive earring, so letting it go shouldn’t have been a big deal but for some reason I just couldn’t. Perhaps it was because of what God wanted to teach me. I left the ward round and started going in the opposite direction, looking for a needle in a hay stack. I got half way and felt what I was doing made no sense, it was just 200 naira and I had others that could replace it but somehow I kept going. People that saw me probably wondered what was wrong with me because my face was to the ground throughout.

Finally I got to the burns unit and had to change again. ‘“What kind of wahala is this?” I thought to myself. Just for one earring. After perambulating the place like a confused fellow, I was just about to give up, when under a table I saw from the corner of my eye this glittering object. I moved closer with so much anticipation and behold it was my lost earring. I was so thankful I found it.

SEE MORE:  Growing Up

As I put it on, I remembered the parable Jesus told about the lost silver coin and the lost sheep where the owners had to leave 9 silver coins and 99 sheep respectively in search of just one Luke 15:4-9. It really doesn’t seem to make any sense humanly speaking but so also does God’s love not make human sense. How can One give up His only begotten son to die for what He created because He loved them? John 3:16. You can’t use your human reasoning to fathom God’s love for you. It’s simply unfathomable and that’s why God never asked you to try to fathom it. All He asks is that you accept it by accepting His son, Jesus that He sent to die for you. He loves you so much so if you were the only one on earth, He would have still sent His dear son to die just for you.  

You have to understand that the second earring on my ear was useless without the missing pair. In as much as we are not indispensable to God, he cherishes us greatly. Yes, it is true that He can do without us but He will rather have us than loose us. You are apple of His eyes and are engraved in the palm of His hand. Look at those creases on your palm, nothing can rub them off. God is ready to go any extent and do anything just to find you and manifest His love to you and through you. No sin is too great to separate you from His love. You are more precious than rubies.

SEE MORE:  God Is Always Watching

 ‘What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it- we’re called the children of God! That’s who we really are’ 1 John 3:1 MSG

And just if you are yet to accept His priceless love, all you need to do is open your heart and receive Him right away. God bless.



Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye 

Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye

Emmanuela is a trained Medical Doctor and a seasoned writer. She expresses God's love on a daily basis through the simplest situations that surround her.

1 Comment
    Posted at 17:37h, 23 October Reply

    Amen. God bless you Ma in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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