23 Sep How Far Is Too Far?
sized him up and took her time to appreciate his biceps and well-built chest beneath
his grey coloured T shirt as they took a stroll in her estate. She was home all
alone and knew it wasn’t safe for them to be there together so she opted for
the stroll. She was the cautious type; she wanted to get to know him first
before allowing room for undue closeness. She had been in three relationships;
the last two left her really hurt, the latter which had a worse impact ended
only a few weeks ago.
had been a very God fearing girl since she was a child and now in her twenties,
she has not loved God any less. To complement her fervent nature was her breath
taking beauty. She was tall, slim and beautiful. And here with her was James a
tall, dark and handsome guy. People admired them as they walked and a few
walked up to her in private with statements like ‘you guys look so good
together’. She consistently told herself that she wasn’t going to be swept off
her feet by his looks but would instead observe his relationship with God and
so far she hadn’t been impressed. She however kept this to herself as she
didn’t want to appear judgmental.
they walked and talked regularly, she started getting fund of him. His visits
and calls became more frequent and as usual, feelings gradually began to grow.
She tried to search her spirit to know if she was doing the right thing but her
feelings seemed to have already clouded her judgment. She knew James was really
expressive in his display of affection and she wasn’t comfortable with it. She
told him repeatedly she wasn’t okay with his undue physical closeness; the
pecks and intimate hugs. “For crying out loud, we aren’t in a relationship” she
explained. She was correct about the fact that they weren’t in a relationship
but what was worse off was an undefined relationship, the kind they were in.
on one hand was struggling with his flesh. He could not decipher if what he had
for Sarah was love or just mere infatuation. All he knew was he wanted badly to
be around her and when he was, it was all about her body. Sarah on the other
hand liked him but struggled with the advances he made at her when they were
alone. Yes, they had started seeing in lonely places even though that was what
Sarah initially tried avoiding. But can
two walk together except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3). They weren’t on the
same page from the start. Sarah had her boundary but James had his, which was
different than hers. For him it was no sex before marriage but for her she was
reserving her first kiss and anything intimate till her wedding day.
started rationalizing and giving excuses for his actions. She wondered if her
‘standards’ were too high and began to compromise. She allowed him to touch her
and she enjoyed it. Deep down she had no peace but the feeling she got was
beyond words. The satisfaction was like nothing she had ever experienced. It
started with mere hand holding then to a stroke on the back but in no time
accelerated to his hands all over her body. At that point she told him to stop
and insisted he left immediately. Thankfully, he did without trying to do
anything irrational like rape her.
after he left her house, she broke down in tears. She felt so bad as a weight
of guilt descended on her. She fell on her knees and asked for God’s mercy. She
knew she had crossed her boundaries even though they never kissed. She realized
there’s so much that could happen even without kissing. She knew she needed a
more defined boundary but much more than that she cried for God’s grace, she
couldn’t do it herself.
she felt peace overwhelm her. It was God’s peace. She decided to forgive
herself and James. The whole experience was indeed an eye opener for her. It
dawned on her that believers that fell into sexual sin before marriage didn’t
necessary do it because they decided in their heart to but because they failed
to set boundaries. She also learnt from the experience the importance of
defining the relationship to know what direction it is headed. But much more
than that, God taught her how much of a forgiving Father He is if we fall.
we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to
cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness’ 1 John 1:9
isn’t a true life story but one that depicts some of the challenges we face as
believers. The truth is that there is no written down law in the Bible as to
how ‘far is too far in a godly relationship’. We know sex is out. We have to
trust the Holy Spirit for grace to stand. Never at any point depend on your
strength or say ‘I know how to control myself’. Don’t rationalize or give room
for compromise. If he or she says your standards are too high, the person is
not worth you. Better safe than sorry. Not everyone has such fortunate ending
as Sarah did. A friend once told me ‘As Christians we should not tempt the
devil by giving him the opportunity to temp us’.
bless and keep you.
Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye
Adams Abigail
Posted at 21:58h, 16 OctoberThank you ma
Onoja Fatu
Posted at 00:19h, 22 OctoberAh, this is so rich. And more like a reminder for me not to compromise my standard for anyone.
Thank you and God bless you ma
Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye
Posted at 07:01h, 01 JanuaryAmen
Posted at 11:54h, 23 OctoberHebrews 13:4
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
God word will keep us by His grace in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Posted at 11:58h, 23 OctoberHebrews 13:4
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
God word will keep us by His grace in Jesus’ name, Amen. Thanks Ma.
Elizabeth Odetunde
Posted at 00:22h, 28 DecemberThank you ma for the reminder to set your standards in line with God’s boundaries. God bless you ma.
I am presently reading stormed and I LOVE the plot and suspense. God bless you and your family in Jesus’ name
Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye
Posted at 07:01h, 01 JanuaryAmen. I’m glad you are enjoying it
Bisi Beloved
Posted at 14:45h, 20 AugustBeautiful story. Put no confidence in the flesh. Very correct. Thank you for sharing this, ma’am.