23 Sep When God Does Not Make Sense
you ever been in a situation where it seems God is not making any sense at all?
Perhaps you had everything planned out and all that was left was for the events
to take their course but they didn’t and instead they went totally off course.
Well this was my story some months ago.
I was going through a challenging
situation. I knew no one could really help me although I spoke to a few friends
about it. I prayed about it times without number and like Jesus at Gethsemane,
I asked God to let the cup pass over me. Prior to that point, I had everything
planned out. I never foresaw any challenge arising. It was perfect. As if my
situation wasn’t bad enough, it got even more annoying. A friend of mine going
through something similar approached me and poured her heart to me. Because I
was in her shoes, I was able to encourage her and pray for her. After about a
week I called her to get update and she was so joyful, she told me everything
had been resolved. I was happy for her but wondered if my prayer requests were
experiencing some sort of traffic in Heaven lol.
It didn’t make any sense at all.
Little did I know God had greater plans. He closed a door I thought was the
best only to open a much better one. Your story may be different or even worse,
you may still be in the middle of that unpleasant situation but you need to
understand that God never promised us a hitch free ride but His abiding
presence all the way(Matt 28:20b). As precious as gold is, it must pass through
the fire to shine beautifully.
Have you ever wondered where God is
when you are passing through a difficult time? I wonder what the clay pot has
to say about the potter too. If it could speak, it would have screamed at the
potter “Can’t you see me going through so much pain here? This heat is killing
me, I can’t take it anymore, get me out of here”. But if it were to be brought
out in that state, it won’t survive much longer outside either. The fire is to
make it stronger and the potter is right there to ensure the pot comes out just
God loves you dearly and has the
best planned out for you. He says ‘I
know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out- plans to take care of you not
to abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for’ Jer 29:11 (MSG). Can
you imagine the Almighty thinking about you? It’s mind blowing. I mean it’s
cute when someone you like says you’ve been on their mind now imagine God say
you are always on His. It’s so beautiful.
Never think God is wicked, takes
pleasure in His children suffering or doesn’t understand. Heb 4:15 says ‘This High Priest of ours understands our
weaknesses, for he faced all of the testings we do, yet He did not sin’ (NLT).
No one ever said trying times were easy or palatable, but these ‘unpleasant
experiences’ turned out to be encouragements for others of even we ourselves in
later times. It is however a
possibility that some unpleasant situations may be as a result of certain
things we did wrong. ‘For the Lord
disciplines the one He loves and He punished each one He accepts as child’
(Heb 12:5-6). Prayerfully seek God’s face for clarity and repent if that’s the
In conclusion, sometimes God may not
seem to make sense but remember that His foolishness is wiser than human wisdom
and His weakness is stronger than human strength (1 Cor 1:25). So instead of
sinking in self-pity, encourage yourself in the Lord like David did when all he
had was taken from him (1 Sam 39:6), begin to thank God for His amazing plans
for you and ask for grace to trust Him all the way.
Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye
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