Favour’s Love Story 3

I don’t want you to pray about the issue of marriage; the who, the when, the how. I want you to cast your cares upon Me and trust Me. Get busy with My work and in My time, I will settle you.”

            Favour couldn’t believe her ears. Did she hear correctly? “But Lord, I’m 26 years, will be 27 in some months. I’m not getting any younger; my mates are married with kids. Faith, my younger sister will be getting married in two months. Why will You say I should not talk to you about marriage?”  She heard her voice get louder out of overwhelmed emotions; she was confused and needed clarification but all she got was silence

            She took a deep breath and said, “Okay Lord, have Your way. I receive grace to do what You’ve said”. She was definitely not happy. She didn’t believe in luck because she knew God’s dealings in her life were intentional and not by chance but at this juncture, she had no clue as to what exactly God was doing.

            The devil took advantage of this and began to feed her mind with thoughts of her been an old miserable spinster when her mates become grandparents. She constantly tried fighting off these thoughts with God’s Word but sometimes she found herself feeling sad and unhappy.

A week to Faith’s wedding, she made up her mind that she wasn’t going to allow the pressure and pity party from people get to her. She was so prepared to remain cheerful through it all. She made herself available in every way possible; she did all the running around that needed to be done, supported the event financially, with prayers and even fasting. She gave her best! She wasn’t sure if she was doing it as a seed she hoped will yield fruits one day or just because she loved her sister.

SEE MORE:  Favour's Love Story 5

Just like every anticipated day, the D-day finally came. She was all smiles. She realized it was a joy that flowed from within. It was none else but the Holy Spirit. During the reception, Favour was there on the dance floor, helping her younger sister pick the money she was sprayed with. That was the height of humility and brokenness.

By 4pm, the blissful event was finally brought to an end by the vote of thanks given by her new brother-in-law. The wedding was indeed a success. While everyone was still dancing, with a heart of gratitude, Faith, still beautifully dressed in her white flowing ball wedding gown left the dance floor to meet Favour at the other end of the hall who was ensuring the souvenirs went round.

She tapped Favour from behind and with tears in her eyes said “Your life has been a blessing to me, you have thought me what it truly means to love.” She hugged her tightly and added, “I pray for you from the bottom of my heart that much more than you have celebrated me, people will celebrate you in Jesus name.”

Favour was in awe. She hadn’t seen it coming. She was dumfounded. Still hugging her sister, she tried so hard to fight back the tears but couldn’t. She knew her baby sister was now a married woman. Something she herself desired so badly. All she could say was “amen”.

Favour watched as her sister and newly wedded husband entered the black jeep which had been beautifully decorated, having the ‘just wedded’ sign over the plate number and set aside specially to take them to their hotel. The couple were the happiest she had ever seen. Despite the fact that she was happy for them, she still somehow wondered if she would ever be that happy one day and if that day was anytime soon.

SEE MORE:  Favour's Love Story

“Hello excuse me ma’am, hi….hi.”

She heard a male voice call out from a distance. She was lost in thought. The voice became louder and then a tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality. The guy wasn’t distant, it was her mind that had strayed away

“Hi. I have trying so hard to get your attention but you have been so busy,” he smiled cheerfully and calmly.

“Oh I’m so sorry. I had to be there for my baby sister. She is all I’ve got,” Favour smiled back and wondered why she gave out so much information to a guy she was just meeting for the first time.

“That is so nice of you, I noticed the passion with which you worked today and I must say, you were really amazing.”

All Favour could do was smile as she wondered who one earth the good-looking young man she was having a conversation with was.

“Oh my, please pardon my manners. My name is Emmanuel, my friends call me Emma.” He said as he put his right arm across his chest. “I am a very good friend of the groom. We went to secondary school and university together. I flew in from the States for his wedding.”

From the states?” Favour thought to herself. “Me I can’t do long distance relationship o”. She quickly scolded herself. “Why on earth will I think such a thought?” Realizing she had not given a response to his long introduction, she introduced herself “I’m Favour, the bride’s older sister”.

“It’s so nice to meet you Favour.” he stretched out his right hand for a handshake

“Same here.” Favour said as she shook him and also noticed he had no ring on his left hand. A thousand and one thoughts ran through her mind at once. She kept telling herself to remain calm and reminded herself God had told her to make Him her number one priority and that in His time, He would settle her.

SEE MORE:  The Abiodun Family Drama 2

But could this be His time? She knew she couldn’t afford to jump ahead of herself but to take things a step at a time more so, the guy had not even asked for anything. Not even her number.

“Favour, I know this may seem absurd or out of place but I’ll go straight to the point. The truth is I’ll really love to get to know you better. Please can I have your number so I can be in touch?” He said in such a composed manner as he brought out his phone from the inner pocket of his suit.

Favour’s heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t place it but she knew there was this excitement welling up within her. She didn’t know Emma from Adam. She knew nothing about him except for the little he had revealed and she knew she definitely wanted to know more. There was something about him that captivated her but she couldn’t place it. Was it his good looks? How perfectly the black suit fitted his well-built frame? His composure? His cologne? She didn’t know what exactly but she knew she liked what she saw.

“Ok sur,” she stretched her hand to receive his phone and typed her number.

“Thank you,” he smiled. “I’ll definitely call you. Do have a great day.” He turned and left. As Favour watched him go, she struggled with her feelings which were now gradually beginning to rise like a gentle sea wave.

To be continued…

Don’t miss any episode of Favour’s story. Follow any of the below links:
Favour’s  Love Story
Favour’s  Love Story 2
Favour’s  Love Story 3
Favour’s  Love Story 4
Favour’s  Love Story 5
Favour’s  Love Story 6


Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye

Emmanuela is a trained Medical Doctor and a seasoned writer. She expresses God's love on a daily basis through the simplest situations that surround her.

1 Comment
  • Regina Rebecca Opondo
    Posted at 14:19h, 18 October Reply

    I tried to read favours love but it’s not flowing it’s like some parts are missing..it’s interesting what happened when she went back to bayos house to pick up her phone

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