Burning Coles 10

Mr. Cole went straight to the bar from work and remained there till late that night. He repeated the same practice for the next one week during which was the exams for the students offering his course. Goke was allowed to write the exams and he passed just as Mr. Cole had assured him. Mr. Cole however still felt uneasy. He couldn’t fathom where he’d begin to gather the pieces of his life from if that picture leaked. As he sat in one of the booths with his friend, Kola, all he kept thinking about was how he got himself into that mess and how he could get himself out. He hoped more than anything that Goke would let the sleeping dogs lie since he had passed his course.

“Akin, what have you being thinking about these past few days? You always seem lost in thoughts” Kola asked him and took a sip of his drink.

The music was blasting at its loudest, guys and ladies were busy digging it on the dance floor but none of these caught Mr Cole’s fancy. He was miles away, he didn’t even realize Kola was talking to him

“Akin!” Kola gave him a slight hit on his shoulder, raising his voice even louder than he did before.

Mr. Cole jolted back to reality. “Yes? What is it?” He had a frown on his face. He wasn’t in the mood. If he had his way, he wouldn’t have wanted any company.

“What is not it?” Kola sat up. “Can’t you see how you are gradually becoming?”

“I have a lot on my mind, Kola.” Mr. Cole signaled to the waiter to get him another drink.

“That’s pretty obvious. See, you better forget about your worries and enjoy yourself. That babe has being checking you out for the past 30 minutes, I bet you haven’t even noticed.”

Abeg (please) who the babe help? She should better go and check out her destiny.” Mr. Cole hissed.

Kola hadn’t seen his friend like this before. Usually a drink or two was always enough to calm whatever storm was raging in his life but this time around, he had had five bottles and was about to go for the sixth, yet nothing.

As Mr. Cole started with the sixth bottle, his phone rang. It was Funmi. His heart skipped a beat.

He got up and without saying a word to Kola and stepped out of the bar. He usually picked calls in the bar but he knew he needed to hear Funmi clearly especially now that the sound of his racing heart beat almost deafened him.

“Hello Funmi, what is it?” He asked with apprehension audible in his voice.

Funmi sobbed endlessly. “I thought you said you had it under control, Mr. Cole?” She could hardly get herself together.

“What do you mean?” Mr. Cole felt strength leave his legs. He pressed the phone harder to his ears in order to hear Funmi properly.

“The picture, I thought you promised to handle it.”

“What happened, Funmi?” He wanted her to go straight to the point. He feared the worst had already happened.

“It’s all over the school and social media. So many people have been calling me that they saw a picture of me naked with a man.” She burst into tears.

Mr. Cole couldn’t believe his ears. He wished the ground could open up and swallow him at that moment.

“Hello….  Hello” Funmi’s voice faded away as Mr Cole slowly removed the phone from his ear and sat on the ground. He didn’t care who looked or was passing by. His image and reputation had been tarnished anyway.

He covered his face with his hands and clenched his teeth hard. “How could that idiot have done this to me?” He asked himself.

Kola came out of the bar to look for Mr. Cole, he was taking too long. He saw him seated on the ground and rushed towards him.

“Akin, what’s going on?” He bent over and asked him.

Mr. Cole didn’t answer.

“Akin… Akin” Kola tapped his shoulder.

“I’m doomed!” Mr. Cole looked at his friend. “Ha! My life don finish.” He bit his lower lip.

“Talk to me Akin, what happened?” Kola was so concerned.

“Please can you take me home?” Mr Cole asked.

“Alright, no wahala (problem).” Kola went inside, settled the bills, picked their bags and quickly returned to Mr Cole who had now stood up and was waiting by his car.

  With the remote in his hand, Kola opened the door and Mr. Cole sat at the passenger’s seat.

Kola entered the car and looked at his friend. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

“Kola, where would I even start from? Please just take me home.” His voice trembled and even though, it was dark, Kola could still see that his eyes were moist with tears.

He turned on the ignition and reversed out of the compound.

Neither of them said a word to each other as Kola drove him home.

Mr. Cole thanked him and alighted. He didn’t wait for him to leave before he entered the compound and went straight into the house.

“Welcome sir” his children echoed. They were seated with their mum in the dining, having dinner.

“Welcome dear” Mrs. Cole said with a smile on her face. He had begun to notice some changes in his wife and kids but today’s  welcome was exceptional. The smiles were all broad, they seemed very happy; these things that hadn’t happened in years.

Mr. Cole wondered the reason for the warm welcome from his family members. “Do they already know? Are they being unusually nice in order to make me feel terrible?” He went into his room without responding.

“Mummy, is daddy okay?” Bolu asked. It was one thing for her dad to be mean but it wasn’t his usual nature to be snobbish.

“My dear, I don’t know too. Let me go and check on him. You all should continue eating.” She stood up and went into the room.

She opened the door leading to her room and to her surprise, she met her husband sitting on the floor, crying. She rushed to him and knelt beside him. “Akin, what is the problem?” She placed a hand on his shoulder.

He was too ashamed to look at her. He suddenly felt he didn’t deserve a woman like her. His life flashed before his eyes. He realized what a terrible husband and father he had being. He sobbed harder.

Mrs. Cole wondered what could have happened. She was determined that no matter what it was, she was going to stand by her husband. She sat on the floor with him and patted his shoulder.

He curled up, rested on her laps and continued crying.

Mrs. Cole lifted up her head, faced the ceiling and began to pray in tongues under her breath. She told God to take control of the situation no matter what it was. As she prayed, a scripture dropped in her heart.

SEE MORE:  Growing Up

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” 1 Pet 5:7

She immediately knew the scripture was for her husband. As he threw his body on her laps like a child, she called his name “Akin.”

He continued crying.

“Akin”, she called him again.

His sobs reduced. He lifted up his body and looked at her waiting to hear what she had to say.

Mrs. Cole had never seen her husband that vulnerable. He looked like a child that had just been beaten by his parents for doing something terrible. She felt so much pity for him.

“I don’t know what is wrong”, she started, locking her eyes with his “but I want you to know something.”

Mr. Cole paid rapt attention.

“I have a word for you.” she continued. “Whatever it is you are going through, God wants you to cast your cares upon him because he cares for you.”

“It’s not possible Funke.” He shook his head. “He can’t care for me!”

“That’s what I thought about myself too, Akin.” She held his hand. “I was convinced beyond every reasonable doubt that God didn’t care about me or this family but I had never been more wrong.” She tried to explain to him, hoping to make him understand.

“I’ve been a terrible person. God is certainly punishing me for all I did. There is no way he cares.” Mr. Cole just couldn’t fathom how God, who he had consciously turned his back at could care for him.

Mrs. Cole wanted to know what he was referring to as a punishment but she didn’t want to push it if he wasn’t ready to tell her. “You know it is the one God loves, He chastises?” 

“Funke, I’ve done terrible things. Too terrible, I can’t face you to tell you.” he avoided eye contact with her.

“Akin, I’m your wife. You can tell me anything.” As those words left her mouth, she wondered if she could really take what it was he had to say without being hurt after all, she was human too. She prayed for God’s strength and grace.

Mr. Cole took a deep breath and released it in a heavy sigh. He held his wife’s hand. “Funke, I am so sorry.” He started. “I have been a terrible husband to you and a terrible father to our children. He burst into tears.

Tears flowed down Mrs. Cole’s face. She remembered, the times he beat her, the times he wasn’t there for them as a family. “It’s okay,” she mustered all the energy left in her as she patted him on the back.

“I don’t deserve all this Funke, I don’t. Promise me that as I tell you these things, you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive me.”

Mrs. Cole sighed. “I promise.”

He spent the next five minutes opening up to her about all the terrible things he had done. He concluded by telling her the mess he was in and how the picture had leaked.

When he was done confessing to his wife, a thick silence took over. Mrs. Cole couldn’t utter a word. She stared into space and didn’t try to stop the stream of tears pouring down her cheeks.

“Please say something Funke, I’m begging you.”

Mrs. Cole stood up from the floor where they both sat and went to a corner of the room. She buried her face in her hands and cried. “Lord, this is too much for me to bear.” She lifted up her voice and cried.

Mr. Cole stood up from the floor, came to where she was and knelt in front of her. He held on to her legs and pleaded “Funke, I’m sorry. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.

Mrs. Cole looked at him, she struggled with the rage welling up within her. His sight disgusted her. She wished she could forgive him but it seemed so difficult. The hurt she felt fueled the rage. The more she remembered the hurt, the angrier she grew.

“Akin please step aside,” she said in a hushed tone, her teeth clenched together. She knew if he didn’t, she was going to raise her voice.

He let go of her legs.

She wished she could go as far from him as possible but it was night, leaving the house at that time wasn’t the wisest thing to do. She decided to go into the bathroom and locked herself inside.     

“Dear Lord please help me. I can’t do this on my own.” As soon as she said that short prayer, she was convinced of the next step to take.

Akin remained on his knees, he didn’t know what else to do or who else to turn to. He closed his eyes and prayed, “God, you said you care. If you really do, please bring me out of this mess and I promise to serve with everything I have and I am.”

Immediately he said those words, Mrs. Cole came out of the bathroom.

Still on his knees, he turned around, and watched as she approached. She stretched her right hand out to him. “Stand up” she said.

That was the last thing he expected her to say. He probably thought she’d rain curses on him. Still not sure what was going on, he took her hand and got up. 

“It’s okay Akin, I have forgiven you.” She knew, ordinarily, by her strength, she couldn’t have forgiven him but right from within, she felt a fresh surge of strength to let go of the pain and hurt. 

“Thank you Funke, thank you very much.” He felt like hugging her but wasn’t sure if she felt the same. “I promise to change and turn a new leaf, Funke.” There was excitement in his voice.

“I’m glad but it’s not me you are to promise, its God. He is the one that can give you the grace and help you need to turn a new leaf.”

“Please pray for me, Funke. I need what you have.”

Mrs. Cole prayed for her husband after which she told him all about Emeka. He took it well and they both agreed that henceforth, they were both going to be open to each other.

“Is there something you want to tell the children?” Mrs. Cole asked with a smile.

“I believe there is,” he returned the smile. That was the first time in many years, they had smiled at each other.

They both left the room and went to the sitting room. Bolu and Bayo were watching TV while Seyi was in her room.

“Bolu, go and call you sister.” Her mother told her.

“No let me go and see her myself” Mr. Cole told his wife. I need to talk to her alone.” He left the sitting room for her room. As he knocked the door, he prayed for God to help him say the right words and help Seyi forgive him.

“Who is it?” Seyi asked from inside the room.

“It’s me.” he waited for her to tell him to come he but didn’t get a response. Just as he was about telling Seyi how sorry he was, the door was opened from inside and he saw Seyi standing in front of him.

SEE MORE:  Burning Coles 2

He didn’t know where to begin. He froze and was speechless.

“Daddy do you want something?” Seyi asked, wondering why her father stood at her door speechless.

 “Seyi please I need you to forgive me.” He clapped his hand together.

A weak smile broke out on her face. “I have forgiven you.”

He got up and hugged her. “I’ve been a terrible father and I’ve asked God to come into my life and make me a different person.” He told her.

“I’m so glad to hear that.” She hugged him back.

“let’s go to the sitting room, your mum and I have something to say.”

“Okay sir.” She followed him.

When they got to the sitting room, they all sat down. Mr. Cole spoke first. “I don’t know where to start from.” He paused and searched their eyes to make sure they were all following. “I want to apologize for my terrible attitude these past years.”

A smile broke out on Bayo’s face. He looked at Bolu who was sitting next to him and gave her a high five.

Mr. Cole smiled and continued. “I have asked God to come into my life. I promise that from today, I will be the best father and husband there can ever be.” He looked at his wife and smiled. I want us to collectively invite Jesus to be the foundation of this home.

They all held hands and he led the family in prayers after which they hugged. Everyone was happy. After awhile, it was time for bed.

  “Goodnight daddy, goodnight mummy.” The children all echoed then went to their rooms.

The next day was Friday. When Mr Cole got to his office, knowing what lay ahead, he bowed his head on his desk and prayed to God. He asked God for grace to cope with whatever ensued as a result of the picture that had leaked. Thankfully, he already had his family’s support. After about an hour of getting to work, he was summoned by the school disciplinary committee.

There was an unexplainable calmness and tranquillity he felt. He knocked the door leading to the office and was asked to come in.

The deputy vice chancellor (DVC) academics, his head of department (HOD) and a third professor were seated. He stood before them fully aware of why he had been summoned.

The DVC academics was the first to speak. “Mr Akin Cole, I believe you are aware of why you have been summoned here.” He opened a file before him without looking at Mr Cole. His glasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

“Yes sir.” There was remorse written all over his face.

“It has come to our knowledge that you were involved in an illicit sexual affair with one of your students, Miss Funmilola Oni. What do you have to say about this?

There was silence. All eyes were on him.

Mr. Cole prayed for God to direct his speech. “Everything that was said is true sir.” He started. “I’m fully aware that what I did was wrong. I have apologized to Miss Funmilola and everyone that was involved and if given another chance, I promise that it will never happen again. I am a changed man now.”

“What do you mean by you are a changed man?” His HOD asked in a harsh tone. His eye brows furrowed. He was a very strict man.

“I have given my life to God and asked him to change me. Jesus now lives in me sir. I’m not that man that was involved in those acts. I cannot do them anymore.” Mr. Cole told him.

There was silence. The HOD didn’t expect such an answer. He instantly felt uncomfortable in his seat. There was something about what Mr. Cole had just said that pierced through his soul. Unknown to everyone that sat in that office, he had been having an affair with his secretary.

After a lot of questioning, Mr Cole was told that they would get back to him with regards to their verdict.

He left the office and went straight to his office. He thanked God for how things went and hoped for the best. He called his wife and informed her about how things went. She prayed with him briefly and they both agreed in prayers that whatever verdict, they’d trust God.

“Where are you now?” Mr Cole asked his wife.

“I briefly want to see Mrs. Dedeke, my Sunday school teacher. She has been trying to get through to me but I’ve not made the time to meet with her. So we agreed to meet for some minutes at her place of work.” She explained to her husband. Things had become blissful for the couple. They now spoke about almost any and everything. No more skeletons in their cupboards.

“That’s the woman you said never stopped praying for you and our family right?”

“Yes o, in fact I’m so grateful to God for that woman. Her prayers really went a long way. I had no idea she was even fasting and meeting with the pastor to pray for us.”

“Wow, God bless her. I’ll definitely love to meet her when we go to church on Sunday.” Mr. Cole said.

“I’ll certainly introduce you to her. Anyway, I have to go now. I’ll call you when I get back.” Mrs Cole was about stepping out of her office.

“Alright dear, I love you.”

“I love you too.” She ended the call and smiled. She loved the passion that now burned between them. It was much more than she had ever experienced. Whatever feelings she shared with Emeka seemed like a child’s play compared to it.

She placed a call through to Mrs. Dedeke to inform her that she was on her way.

“Alright sis. Just let me know when you arrive.” She told her.

“Will do ma.” Mrs Cole ended the call.

As she drove into the compound of where Mrs Dedeke worked, she called her to inform her she was around.

“I’ll join you in a minute.” Was her response.

Mrs. Cole sat in her car, waiting for her. She decided to turn on the radio to listen to what it had to offer while she waited. In the process, her eyes caught a glimpse of her image in the rare view mirror. She noticed a pimple on her forehead and took a closer look. As she did, something caught her attention.

She saw someone that looked familiar pass by. She wasn’t sure she saw right. She checked the side mirror to confirm who she had just seen.

“Isn’t that Emeka?” She asked herself as she turned around to see him for herself just in case the mirror was deceiving her. She followed him with her eyes till he entered his black SUV.

“Oh Lord, what is Emeka doing here? I thought it was HIV positive patients that come here to receive care?” She wondered. Her pulse quickened. Reality dawned on her. She wanted to give excuses for him, “maybe he just came to see someone”, “maybe he is here on behalf of someone”. But the truth was obviously glaring.

SEE MORE:  Burning Coles 4

Just as she was battling with the thoughts, she heard a knock on the window of the passenger’s door. She turned to see who it was.

Mrs. Dedeke was waving at her.

She alighted from the car and went over to greet her.

They hugged.

“How is everything mummy Seyi?” Mrs Dedeke always had that heavenly smile on.

“Very fine, thank God. I’m sorry I’ve not been able to find time to see you. I told myself that even if it means me coming to see you right inside your office, I must make sure I see you.” She laughed.

“I understand. I’m glad to see you like this. You look bright, I can literarily see the glory of God radiating upon your life.” Mrs Dedeke joined her in laughter.

“I don’t know how to thank you enough ma. God really used you for us. We are so grateful. Our home was almost burnt down by a fire we ourselves started but now, a greater fire burns in our home; the fire of God.” Mrs Cole was grateful for the change every single member of her home had experienced.

“We give all glory to God. And by the special grace of God, that fire will not burn out in Jesus name.”

“Amen.” Mrs Cole remembered the person she saw. “Please I want to ask a question” she raised her index finger.

“Okay? What is it?” Mrs Dedeke was all ears.

“I understand that whatever goes on here stays here. I mean, it’s against your ethics to discuss details about patients. But I saw someone who I know and I was wondering why he was here. Like if he was here to see someone or is actually a patient.” Mrs Cole just had to get it off her chest.

“Well a lot of people come here for different reasons so I can’t say.” Mrs. Dedeke had to be as confidential as possible.

“Okay, I understand ma. It is well.” Mrs. Cole sighed. She said a silent prayer in her heart, thanking God for delivering her from the claws of the evil one. She was so close to being a prey. If not for God’s divine intervention, she might have contracted HIV.

They wrapped up their conversation, prayed and she left.

On her way, she had a leading to call Emeka. She didn’t understand why. It made no sense to her. They had not spoken since she left him in the hotel room that day. He had tried reaching her but she stopped picking his call. She believed that the best way to be totally delivered from him was to cut off. She therefore could not explain the leading she was getting to place a call through to him.

She initially resisted the thought but it persisted and she perceived it was the voice of God. She parked her call, brought out her phone from her bag and dialed his number.

He picked on the first ring.

“Hello Funke.” There was a harsh tone in his voice.

“Hi Emeka, good afternoon.” Mrs Cole wasn’t sure the reason why she called. She hoped that as they spoke, she’ll understand.

“What do you want from me Funke?” His voice was raised and much harsher than before.

Mrs. Cole was speechless. She didn’t see that coming.

“Was it not bad enough that you left me in the hotel room, you stopped picking my calls too?”

“It was not my fault, I…” she tried to explain herself but was cut short.

“Funke please spare me the lame excuses. Let this be the last time you ever call me.” He snapped at her.

“Emeka why are you talking like this? I did what I did because, I realized my wrong and I wanted to make things right.” She tried to explain herself.

“Did you say make things right? Make things right my foot. Why didn’t you make things right those many years ago when you destroyed my life and made me fall into the arms of prostitutes? Why didn’t you make things right before I got so loose and contracted HIV? Why Funke? Why?”

Mrs. Cole couldn’t believe her ears. She was shocked to her bones. Thoughts of guilt and condemnation began to creep up on her. She almost started blaming herself for all that happened to him when she heard the voice of God again, this time around it was telling her not to allow the devil sow seeds of guilt. She immediately remembered two scriptures. The first that says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away, behold all things have become new 2 Corinthians 5:17 and the second which says there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus… Romans 8:1.

“Emeka I had no idea all these happened to you and I am sincerely sorry but…”

Before she could complete her sentence, he cut her short again. “Please keep your apology to yourself. You are just lucky I didn’t succeed in my plan to sleep with you. Fuck off.” He hung up on her.

Mrs. Cole was dumbfounded. He phone fell out of her hand, her mouth was left open. She placed her hand on her head. “Oh Lord, what if you hadn’t delivered me.” She wondered. She felt a fresh wave of gratitude to God. She was definitely going to tell her husband when she got home so they could thank God together.

Later that evening, when she got home, Seyi welcomed her with the broadest smile.

“What is it? What happened?” Mrs Cole returned the smile.

“Mummy, Sope just called me to tell me my name and hers were among those shortlisted to study law.” Seyi jumped with excitement.

“Congratulations my dear.” Her mum hugged her. You’ll do great. I have a feeling God will use you to reach out to Sope and many more in that school with the love of Christ.”

“Hmmmm I pray so o.” Seyi clapped her hands.

Just as they were speaking, Mr. Cole came home, looking somewhat downcast.

“What the matter?” Mrs. Cole knew something had just happened.

“The SDC called me back after a few hours and told me they had reached a verdict. I was let go.

“All we can do now is trust God. Our tomorrow is in His hands.” Mrs Cole said with so much faith.

“You are right my dear.”

Mrs Cole shared her discovery about Emeka.

“Wow, thank God. We need to pray. Let’s all gather together to thank God and commit our lives unto God.”

Seyi called her siblings and Mr Cole led the family in prayer.

The End.


Hope you were blessed by this story. Be sure to drop your comments and share with others. God bless you.



Burning Coles 1
Burning Coles 2 
Burning Coles 3  
Burning Coles 4 
Burning Coles 5
Burning Coles 6 
Burning Coles 7 
Burning Coles 8 
Burning Coles 9 

If you missed any part.

Emmanuela Mike-Bamiloye

Emmanuela is a trained Medical Doctor and a seasoned writer. She expresses God's love on a daily basis through the simplest situations that surround her.

  • Balogun Victory
    Posted at 14:40h, 03 January Reply

    A life changing story, I am so blessed by all episodes. God bless you ma and give you more stories to turn lives to Christ

  • Alonge Emmanuel
    Posted at 20:39h, 03 January Reply

    What an interesting piece! More grease to your elbow in Jesus name.

  • Adegboyega Olajumoke Deborah
    Posted at 18:57h, 04 January Reply

    God Bless you abundantly ma. This is timely.

  • Anuola Oyindamola Folake
    Posted at 11:25h, 05 January Reply

    God is so good and gracious to everyone who put their trust in Him, He is so loving that He wouldn’t reject anyone who comes to Him irregardless of what a mess they had turned themselves into, all He wants is for us to come with our weaknesses and He would be our strength 🥺, beautiful piece, I pray for more divine inspiration to write things that will draw men to God and turn lives around to glorify God in Jesus name amen

  • Bisi
    Posted at 11:54h, 05 January Reply

    Beautiful series, beautiful story. God’s grace, protection, never-ending love, new beginnings, redeeming love. God bless you ma for talking about these sensitive issues so honestly and realistically, in the light of God’s word.

  • Esther Ezekiel
    Posted at 15:12h, 05 January Reply

    Wow! What an amazing piece. I learnt a lot. More grace ma’am.😊

  • Elizabeth Chongo Mwamba
    Posted at 13:39h, 06 January Reply

    This has blessed me so much and I’ve learnt so much about the power of prayer and intercession indeed GOD does answer our prayers if we do not relent…From Bayo having his life changed to it having a ripple effect on everyone else to Mrs Dedeke who didn’t stop no matter how cold Mrs Cole was to how GOD delivered Mrs Cole in the hotel… that was such a defining moment for me no matter what you have done GOD is merciful enough to hear you…oh what a GOD we serve MORE OIL MORE GRACE ON YOU MA

  • Katriel Eta
    Posted at 17:18h, 06 January Reply

    Wow I’m so blessed by this story . I could feel blood rushing through my veins when I get to high tension parts lol 😂. You have done well my dear . May God continue to inspire you with more ideas in Jesus name . I love the character of Mrs Dedeke , that’s just how we have to behave as believers .

  • Adeyemo Oluwatosin
    Posted at 22:28h, 06 January Reply

    I really enjoyed every parts of this wonderfil story. Infact, I can’t be more happy that I read this piece. It has transformed my life in various dimension. Thank you Ma,and I hope we get more of related stories.

  • Atanda Ruth Odunola
    Posted at 08:04h, 07 January Reply

    This is so much inspiring and timely! Thank you for this ma,God bless you.

  • Olúwalayòmi, Bẹẹni Agbebunmi
    Posted at 05:51h, 10 January Reply

    This is a redefining piece. Thank you so much ma’am. The story overall teaches that God is with me always and so far I give him the opportunity to take over, He’ll make all things right.

    I also learnt something at that moment Emeka and Funke were in the car. The Devil makes us think that once we’re faced with a temptation, we can’t get out of it. He makes us feel like we don’t have any choice or any words of defense to snap out of that situation. But it is a lie. If Joseph did, I can too.

    God bless you ma and increase your insight in Him. Amen.

  • Omowunmi
    Posted at 12:11h, 10 January Reply

    Thank God for every member of Cole family, thank God!

  • Esho Esther
    Posted at 16:47h, 14 January Reply

    Wow, this story has so many lessons. I don’t even know where to start from. May God increase your knowledge and strength in Jesus name amen

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